Stasiland (2023)

Drenched with tension and suspicion this physical investigation (based upon Anna Funder’s book Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall) begins with the covert signals of Stasi Agents operating on the streets of East Germany and develops to explore a world of total surveillance, where anxiety is the regime.

This work, in it’s current form was premiered at Unfiltered, The Point Eastleigh’s Scratch Night in Janurary 2023. Moving forwards I look forward to an R&D later this year, to expand this work and explore the piece’s ideas with more dancers.

Music: C*cks*cker by Tyler Bates, Memory Arc by Rival Consoles & Phantom Grip by Rival Consoles


cOMPASS (2023)

Exploring precision and detour, the solo Compass carves through space using diagonal and curved spatial patterns. The movement investigates along the same theme, working with precision alongside softness and sinew.

Music: Colorado by Aukai


The process of developing KNOWING THIS, was complex. It asked me to develop my artistry and negotiate my roles of dancer and choreographer within the same piece. While the initial idea was impersonal, KNOWING THIS became a personal solo, that required discomfort to achieve. The only clear link to the impersonal beginnings is the sound score, a recording of myself speaking a passage of Shakespeare’s King John, Act 3, Scene 4. I overlaid the spliced up and repeated sections of the passage with the track Fractured from Marconi Union.

Music: Fractured by Marconi Union